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[Interviews] - "World is Gone" @RealHarryHudson

Harry Hudson
Location: Los Angeles
Genre: Pop

Standing out isn't easy. In fact, as crowded as modern pop culture is, it is nearly impossible in this day and age. However, when an artist does pave a different path, it is instantly felt everywhere. You certainly feel that the instant you hear Harry Hudson.

The 19-year-old Los Angeles singer breathes a deep message into irresistible pop R&B songs. With a dynamic voice and even more dynamic presence, he is ready to flip the script.

Hudson discovered music almost as soon as he learned to talk, listening to Michael Jackson records constantly with his mother while growing up in the suburbs of Los Angeles. In high school, music turned into a serious passion as he recorded demos with his friends, even squeezing into a bathroom in order to get the perfect echo on his MacBook. After graduating high school, he made a songwriting pilgrimage for two months to Sweden, and everything became clear.

"I'm not in it for fame and money," Hudson concludes. "I want my music to bring joy to people who have trouble finding beauty in life. I want to be an example. So many people are self-conscious, girls and guys. I want to encourage people to be unique. Be yourself, that's beautiful."
That style will stand out for a long time to come.
TMC: For those who unfamiliar, tell the people who Harry Hudson is?
HH:  I'm a 19 year-old, independent pop artist from L.A., and my debut single -
"World Is Gone" - dropped on Valentines Day of 2013.

TMC: What made you want to pursue music as a career?
HH: In high school, music turned into a serious passion for me. After high
school, I differed from Columbia School of Chicago's music school to move to
Sweden for 2 months where I worked with a Swedish producer and songwriter who I met here in LA. I didn't know what it took to pursue a music career until I met them. In Sweden, we all slept on the freezing cold floor in an attic of a tiny recording studio. I hated it, and I almost quit because of it, but it challenged me to work harder. It made me hungry. I realized that nothing was going to be handed to me, and if I wanted to make it, I'm going to have to work harder for it. When I got back home, I was ready.

TMC: Name some people who influence you when it comes to music?
HH: Michael Jackson, Eminem, and Justin Timberlake have all had an impact on me and my music in different respects.

TMC: What is your favorite thing about being an artist?
HH: I don't think there is a better feeling than knowing your music has a
positive influence on people. If I can make someone's day a little brighter with a song, then I'm accomplishing what I set out to do as an artist.

TMC: Not too long ago you released your first single "World is Gone".. How did
you come up with the concept.. Give a little insight for those who haven't heard
it... & the response you've gotten from it so far
HH:  The concept for "World Is Gone" came from an experience I had with a girl I met last summer. I thought she was beautiful, but she kept denying me when I'd asked her out. Instead of giving up, I wanted to prove that I could love her until the end of time. In the end, I didn't het the girl which is fine because it inspired my debut single!….. For people who haven't heard "World Is Gone," it's an eternal love song that takes elements of pop, hip-hop, R&B, and house and fuses it all together. Listen to it and you'll understand…. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback from bloggers, music magazines, and all my followers on my social networks. "World Is Gone" was #1 on the Hype Machine's most popular
songs on twitter for 3 days straight, which was awesome. I think the only
negative response I've gotten is from my neighbors telling me to shut up when I sing it really loud in the shower.

TMC: Greatest Achievement since doing music?
HH: This interview tops them all!

TMC: What makes you stand out from all the other artists trying to come up?
HH: I'm very confident in myself as an artist. I don't do covers, I don't do
anyone else but me. I want to be an example for young people to be unique, to be themselves, because that's beautiful.

TMC: What's something people may not know about Harry Hudson?
HH: As world renown chef, I'm best known for my grilled cheese, top ramen, and cinnamon toast crunch... Oh yeah, and I'm single. Ladies get at me ;).

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